Monday, July 22, 2019

I would like to take a couple minutes to talk about the future.  I’m not talking about having a crystal ball and seeing what’s in store for you personally; I’m talking about everyone’s financial future.  As a Financial Adviser, I’ve had so many people come in saying they probably don’t qualify to work with me because they don’t really have much to invest.  Well guess what?  ANYONE willing to put a little money aside each month for the future is someone I would like to talk with.  People think they must have thousands of dollars to start investing but that is not the case. 
Start by putting $5 or $10 per week into a bank savings account.  If you can afford to save more, do it!  Be diligent about it.  Shop around for the best interest rates.  You would be surprised at the difference in rates.  Don’t just check the banks, check the credit unions as well. 
You could be saving for new furniture, a house, a new car, your kids’ future education, your future retirement or a myriad of other things.  What you are saving for doesn’t matter.  It just matters that you start.  If your employer offers a program that allows you to take the money right from your paycheck and deposit it to a savings account, do it!  The sooner you start, the more likely you are to have a nice little nest egg built up when you really need it.
Stop thinking about it and just start doing it…today.